“I Have To”
“I have to” is a poisonous little thought that robs us of our agency and our joy
Getting to Know Me
Here’s a little more about me personally. I’d love to get to know you too!
Happiness Entitlement
Why do we feel so entitled to be happy all the time? It causes so much suffering!
I want my kids to feel Loved
Love doesn’t jump out of us and into our kids. They feel love from their thoughts.
I’m doing it wrong
There is no right or wrong way to parent. I’ve believed this for other people but now I need to believe it for myself also. You are not wrong. There is noting wrong with you!
We are not Robots
We don’t want to become robot moms but there is interesting things to learn from how AI technology handles failure.
Don’t Ride the Roller Coaster!
Roller Coasters are awesome! But the emotional roller coaster that we ride as parents is absolutely exhausting!
Mind Management
An unmanaged mind is like a toddler running around the house with a sharpie!
The Mom I Want to Be
You can define for yourself the kind of mom you want to be. You don’t have to try to conform to anyone else’s expectations. No shoulds or should nots needed.
Heard and understood
Everyone just wants to be heard, acknowledged, and ideally even understood. Drop the war by listening!
In the thick of it
Being a toddler mom is the real deal! I love sludging through the muck of it with my friends who are going through the same thing as me, but not till i found a life coach who was gRowing through the same thing as me, did i finally find some hope, relief, and peace!
Perfect Mom
Perfection may be the end goal but it is not where we need to be right now. Give yourself the gift of self compassion and patience for your journey. Merry Christmas!
Be the Captain of your Ship
When we are the captain, it feels like love, not control. When we are self regulated, our kids can rely on us to safely lead them back to calm shores.
Reactive vs Proactive Parenting
Reactive parenting is putting out fires and refereeing our kids constantly. There is a lot more we can do proactively to plan ahead for conflict and drop the war before it begins.