I’m doing it wrong
I just discovered an underlying belief thought that has been torturing me for years. For sure ever since I’ve been a mom, but probably long before that. I’m sure it’s a story I developed in childhood somewhere. It’s why I’ve never been able to take “constructive criticism” very well.
I am doing it wrong.
Yuck! What a painful thought! It makes me feel guilty, inadequate, less-than, flawed, not enough, etc etc etc.
But what does wrong mean? What does right mean? Who defines them? I do!
So I’m done thinking that thought. I’m pulling the nail out of my forehead. I’s gone.
I am doing what I’m doing. I may be considered wrong to some people but not to me. Not anymore. It may not be right, but if I want to change what I’m doing, it’s never going to happen from that thought.
I choose to think on purpose that there is no right or wrong way to parent.
There is just the way I choose to do it and I get to decide if I want to change that way.
Wow! That feels much better. It opens up my own creativity. I can tap into my own intuition and make my own decisions. Then I won’t resent anyone else if it goes awry. I can take full responsibility for my own results.
This is going to be awesome!!