The Mom I Want to Be
The first step that I take my clients through as their peaceful parenting life coach is to define for THEMSELVES what kind of Mom THEY want to be! No “shoulds” or “should nots” allowed! We drive ourselves crazy trying to conform to every book, blog, podcast, friendly advice, etc! that we consume. Feel free to read and listen to whatever content you want (especially mine ;) but then take the time to digest what you’ve heard and decide for yourself if that works for you and your family.
I did NOT do this when I first became a Mom and I’d say that was the number one problem I faced. I read every book like they were scripture. I tried to do and not do everything I heard that I should and should not do. And I couldn’t do it. I’d call my sister (who had five kids before I had any) for a voice of reason and she would easily dismiss what the books said. What?! How can she do that? Doesn’t she know that an EXPERT wrote this book?! As you’ve probably experienced, the main problem was that all these so said experts did not agree! So that left me confused, frustrated, and of course, constantly “beating myself up” about doing it all wrong. Boo!
Enter life coaching! I finally heard the invitation to define for myself what kind of Mom I wanted to be. I was given permission to let my kids play at McDonalds before they ate their food. I can give myself permission to do or not do whatever I want. I am the mother here, after all! If I don’t feel like putting the kids to bed at some “perfect” presubscribed by the expert time, then I don’t. If that has consequenses that I don’t like, then I can do something different tomorrow. But if I do something just cause somebody else told me to, then I just build resentment for that person and hate on myself when I can’t do it “right”. Recipe for disaster!
So. Define for yourself what kind of Mom you want to be. Really think about it. What are your reasons for painting the picture that way. Do you like your reasons? Are you just trying to please your mother in law? Are you doubting your own mother’s intuition about what is best for you and yours? Really think about it.
Then, the next step is to examine what kind of mom you actually are right now. If there is dissonance between the two, that’s where I come in. I can help you with the disconnect between who you want to be and who you currently are. I will help you celebrate your successes and examine with curious compassion your areas you want to improve. And it will be so fun! Parenting doesn’t have to be so heavy and hard. Let’s do this! Click here to schedule a free consult and we’ll get started! :-)