Drop the War on Judgement
Are you so sick of judging people? Maybe sick of everyone supposedly judging you? If you feel judged, chances are that’s a reflection of your judgement. Judging feeds on itself. If we judge others it’s probably cause we’re in the habit of judging ourselves also. Let’s just drop the war on the whole thing, shall we?
One word will do it all: CURIOSITY
If we are judging it is because our brain is filling in the rest of the “data” with what we think it is but curiosity will fill in the rest of the story with what is actually going on for the other person.
When our kid spills milk all over the floor, we get frustrated because we are thinking that they are just an irresponsible child who doesn’t care that we just mopped the floor. But curiosity would find out that the new “straw cups” we just bought are really fun for a kiddo to blow into and make bubbles but if there’s too much milk in the cup or they blow too hard, the milk goes everywhere.
Actually caring what is happening for our child will lead to more fascination which drops the judgement and feels so much better for us. Curiosity feels open and loving. Judgement feels closed and yucky.
Try it out. It’s really fun to switch the “light on” and watch the darkness disappear.
And speaking of no judgement, as your life coach, you bring to me the most vulnerable sensitive situations in your parenting and I can reflect back to you what you’re not seeing is going on in your brain without any judgement. I get there with curiosity and it’s an amazing experience for you to have the space held so compassionately to be able to look at your mothering in a safe and comfortable space where you don’t need to hide in shame. Nothing has gone wrong here, you just have a functioning human brain that needs a little managing. That’s all. I will help you get there. Sign up here for your free chat with me. It feels amazing to be able to take that load off. You can do this!