The Good Mom Model

This is what I call the “Terrible Mom Model”

C- What you just did

T- I’m a terrible Mom

F- Guilty

A- ruminate, beat yourself up, shut down, get self absorbed, more short tempered at the next child’s request, yell at kids, adult temper tantrum, don’t want to take care of the kids’ needs emotional or even physical.

R- I prove to myself that I am a terrible mom

Whatever you just did does not make you a terrible mom. Thinking that you are a terrible mom is what perpetuates the idea that you are a terrible mom. Why do we make everything mean that we are a terrible mom?!

Your T line is completely up for grabs. There are millions of thoughts you can think after you did what you just did. Choosing to think that you are terrible just makes you more terrible.

So knock it off, Momma!

These are lies! Every time your brain tries to make something mean that you are terrible, remind it that you ARE good! You are not terrible. You are not impatient. You are not grumpy.

You are not what you do. You ARE who you are!

And you ARE Good! God is good and God made you so you are good! Inherently!!

There is absolutely nothing you can do to change that. Nothing you can not do to change who you are. It is just your nature. Your real self. Your divine identity.

When you feel terrible after you do something out of alignment with who you truly are, you can receive that message from your brain and then use the information in a useful way. Not to beat yourself up worse. But to acknowledge your mortal frailty and turn to God and live. Live into your true identity as a whole worth valuable daughter of God!

This is the Good Mom Model

C-What you just did

T- And I AM still a Good Mom!

F- Confident

A- forgive myself, have compassion for my humanity, have faith in my divine identity, more easily forgive and accept my mortal children for their humanity. Patiently respond to the next child’s requests. joyfully take care of my emotional and physical needs and have enough and to spare to take care of my children also.

R- I believe that I am a Good Mom.

You ARE a Good Mom, my friend! Now go be who you are! You’ve got this

MLE Wardrop

Emily Wardrop from Drop the War Life Coaching is an Advanced Certified Peaceful Parenting Life Coach.

She loves to help moms drop the war on shame and believe that they ARE a Good Mom!
She helps moms of young kids drop power struggle wars to create more peace in their parenting.

She is living her better than happy ever after life with her handsome hubby Creed and they have 5 young kids of her own. Two of which have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes so she especially loves helping other T1D Moms with their mental and emotional well-being while managing their child’s diabetes.

Do from Belief


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