Mom Guilt
Are you a perfect Mom? My guess is that is not very likely if you are reading this cause if you were perfect, you wouldn’t think that you need help from a Mommying blog. We all have ideas of what kind of mom we will be someday but the reality of the day to day when we actually become mothers, is a whole different ball game. Even as we “speak” my kids are “bugging me” and “driving me crazy” and “won’t leave me alone to just write this dang blog post!” And those thoughts are causing some feelings that are driving some behaviors that are not me at my best. Literally in real time this is happening. So then after all that plays out, I’m left with the guilt and self loathing “beating myself up” for how I’m handling the situation.
It’s not IF you feel mom guilt, it’s WHEN. It just comes with the gig. It’s the hardest and most important job on the planet so of course it’s so hard! But there are so many things we can do to alleviate some of the layers we add on top that makes our job even harder unnecessarily.
I’ll be popping on here daily this month to give you quick tid bits to help drop the mom guilt.
I’ll “see ya” tomorrow with your first tip. For now, start noticing yourself. Spend the day noticing when you feel that familiar guilty feeling. And we’ll work through it together this month.
If you want to expedite the process, click here to sign up for my “Drop the Mom Guilt” video series which is available for purchase right now for only $27! You’ve got this, Momma!