Stop It!
Your brain has two parts. (some say three, but we like to keep things simple.) And we’ll call those parts your highter (prefrontal cortex) and lower brain. The lower, reptilian, primal, etc etc. lots of names for it, brain’s job is to keep you safe, conserve energy, and seek pleasure. All brains have this fun feature and therefore anything with a brain stays alive best it can. Humans also have a higher brain which can manage the lower brain and thus we are referred to as the most evolved species.
Now, your lower brain means well and is indeed a veeeeeery useful feature of our amazing bodies but sometimes we need to exercise our higher brain a little more. For some reason, our primal brain likes to do what i sum up as “beat ourselves up”. it says some pretty nasty things to ourself. things that we would never ever ever ever say to another human being we say to ourselves alllll day and night! No wonder it’s hard to sleep!
If you can relate to this, give me a hallelujah! And now STOP IT! Just stop beating yourself up!! Its unacceptable. We don’t let our kids get away with doing that to each other, why do we think it’s ok to do that to ourselves?
Now, if you can’t relate. Sign up to chat with me on zoom right now because I want to pay YOU to teach me all your secrets to not beating yourself up. Cause I think that it is as natural as breathing. It just is part of our natural woman package that we signed up for in this life. And perhaps you’re so used to hearing your brain do it, that you’re not even aware that those thoughts are there and that, my friend, is even more harmful. So sign up for sure and I’ll help you get the awareness we’re after in order to uplevel everything. Oh! It’s so fun!!
So, it’s not going to be just as easy as switching a light off to stop doing it but I do want you to try. I’ve been trying to stop beating myself up for years but this weekend i decided to follow Yoda’s advice of “do or do not, there is no try”
So i’m not trying to not beat myself up anymore, I’m just not doing it. Are you with me? Let’s go!