Self Care!
Hi Ya’ll! I want to make sure that you all know how very very important you are! You are a full, whole, complete person! Just like we don’t really want to be a half-person when we get married and expect our husband to complete us (sorry, Tom Cruise) We also do not want to be a half-person and expect our children to complete us. We unintentionally do this sometimes when we become a Mother because, all of a sudden, we have a completely helpless being placed on our chest and we are 100% responsible for taking care of him/her. So sometimes in our efforts to take care of this other mini person, we forget that we still also need to take care of ourself. So, as the oxygen mask analogy states, we need to put on our own oxygen masks first before we can help our children put on theirs. But not only in order to help others, but because we ourselves matter and we need to breathe! That is why self care is sooooo vital! If we’re not careful, we can spend all day (and night!) taking care of others day in and day out week after week, month after month, year after year until we are completely depleted and we don’t even recognize ourselves anymore.
There are six areas of our human wholeness and we need to consistently meet our own needs in each of these categories. Physical, social, spiritual, sexual, mental, and emotional. If we do not take care of ourselves in all of these areas, no one else will and we will lose balance and peace in our lives. As a life coach, I can help you find that balance and peace in each of these categories. I will help you manage your mind, your time, your weight, your emotions, your body, and your relationships; with yourself, your spouse, your kids, your friends, family, and even with God. Our brains are very powerful and are the beginning of all of the results in our lives. As your life coach, I will show you your brain and how it is generating the emotions that are driving the actions that are getting you the results that you are happy with and that you’d like to change. Change is possible. More peace is possible. For you. Because you matter. So take the time, effort, and means necessary to take good care of your self. I can help you. I’d be honored. Email me at to set up a free consultation and you will start getting relief right away.