
I use the words feelings and emotions interchangeably. They are both caused by our thoughts. I think that the world is much more emotionally aware and educated nowadays and we are doing a much better job of teaching our children about their emotions also. We’ve always been aware of a person’s IQ intelligence but now we are becoming more aware of emotional intelligence or EQ also. These things are beginning to be taught more in school even and that is so great! As moms of young children we feel all the emotions on a daily basis. We are on a roller coaster ride of feelings all day. And night! The more we understand about our own emotional wholeness, the more we can help regulate our children also. 

We are meant to feel all the feelings. The good ones, the bad ones, all of them! Life is meant to be a 50/50% experience of “positive” and “negative” emotions. Once we understand this, we don’t have the unrealistic expectation of feeling good ALL the time. If we think we are supposed to be blissfully happy, grateful, and loving 24/7 with our newborn baby (or our toddler!), we’re going to think something is wrong when we don’t. If we recognize that half of the time we will also feel irritated, frustrated, and even angry, then we can feel those feelings and not add on additional guilt and beating ourselves up. We can feel the feeling through, get the message, and move on. If we spiral in the negative, it will take over our 50% positive also! 

One of the most powerful tools I have as a life coach is to help you process emotions. All feelings come from thoughts but that doesn’t mean that we are meant to think our way out of feeling all our feelings. When we feel a feeling, we need to actually feel it. In our bodies. I can help you process your emotions so that they don’t take over your life. You can be in control of your thoughts and your emotions. I’d love to teach you how!  

MLE Wardrop

Emily Wardrop from Drop the War Life Coaching is an Advanced Certified Peaceful Parenting Life Coach.

She loves to help moms drop the war on shame and believe that they ARE a Good Mom!
She helps moms of young kids drop power struggle wars to create more peace in their parenting.

She is living her better than happy ever after life with her handsome hubby Creed and they have 5 young kids of her own. Two of which have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes so she especially loves helping other T1D Moms with their mental and emotional well-being while managing their child’s diabetes.

